Wednesday, 26 January 2011

ICT Input 3 - Animation :(

As our groups, and therefore topic for our wiki, changed during the last input we decided to use the theme of healthy eating.
Because of this, our animation was based on health.
In my first blog I spoke about animation and how much I despise it! I don't have the patience for the constant clicking and I'm not really great at the art involved in making the models!
Me and Kirsten were the only people in the group and we worked well together, however we were both getting frustrated with the clicking and moving of the animation. The background was constantly moving and when we watched it back our hands were still in the shot! We re-shot a lot of the video and when we were finally finished, I didn't feel much achievement as there was only around 20 seconds of video!!
I think this could be used with a class but over a longer period of time and with more pupils in a group. I think if this was spread out into a project for pupils they would enjoy it as they would invest time and have a strong sense of ownership on the final product.
I took Sharon's advice to keep it simple but with my lack of patience for this activity I spent the three hours frustrated!!


  1. Good to see that you are beginning to reflect on how you would use annimation in the classroom. Some tasks take longer than you sometimes expect. Try to engage with readings that will support what you are saying.

  2. Yes Mandy, the process is very long. Look how long it took to make a Wallace and Gromit Film - FIVE years!!!

    What I would like you now to do when you are writing a blog post that looks back a a process is to use the following methods:

    1. Describe - this is where you tell the readers what you did. A simple description of the task. Why were you doing this task? What was the learning outcome? Where did it fit into CfE?

    2. Reflect - this is where you look at what you did and tell us what happened or did not happen. What were the problems? What were the successes?

    3. Evaluate - this is where you will reflect on the process from your own personal development and how you could use with children.

    In the above you should provide links to websites and have at least ONE reading reference to support your reflections.

    I have written a post on my blog related to the above process that might help.

    On another note, I do notice you discuss collaborative working a lot. This appears to be the theme that is running through your posts. Maybe you should start looking at readings related to this. I would suggest Lave & Wenger's Communities of Practice to get you started.

  3. Forgot to ask - where is your animation?
